Saturday 22nd of June 2024
Best Food Quotes in 2023
Last update March 21, 2023

Best Food Quotes in 2023

Food quotes are short, memorable phrases or sentences that express various aspects of food, such as its taste, preparation, cultural significance, and social role.
They are often used to convey a particular emotion or feeling associated with food, such as happiness, nostalgia, or appreciation.
Food quotes can come from various sources, including famous chefs, writers, philosophers, and food lovers. They can be found in books, movies, songs, and social media, and are often shared as a way to celebrate the joy and beauty of food.
Some food quotes may also contain humor or irony, highlighting the complex and sometimes contradictory relationship we have with food.
Here are a few examples of the best food quotes:

  1. Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.  "Hippocrates"
  2. All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.  "John Gunther "
  3. Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.  " Harriet Van Horne"
  4. People who love to eat are always the best people.  "Julia Child"
  5. You don't need a silver fork to eat good food.  "Paul Prudhomme"
  6. Food is not just fuel, it's information. It talks to your DNA and tells it what to do.  "Dr. Mark Hyman"
  7. One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.  "Virginia Woolf"
  8. Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate.  "Alan D. Wolfelt"
  9. The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook.  "Julia Child"
  10. Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness.  "Auguste Escoffier"
  11. There is no sincerer love than the love of food.  "George Bernard Shaw"
  12. First we eat, then we do everything else.  "M.F.K. Fisher"
  13. Food is our common ground, a universal experience.  "James Beard"
  14. Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.  "Ernestine Ulmer"
  15. Food is the most primitive form of comfort.  "Sheila Graham"
  16. People who don't like food are not to be trusted.  "Amina Gautier"
  17. Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together.  "Guy Fieri"
  18. Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship.  "Elsa Schiaparelli"
  19. Food is the music of the body, and music is the food of the soul.  "Doreen Virtue"
  20. The belly is an ungrateful wretch, it never remembers past favors, it always wants more tomorrow.  "Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn"
  21. Food is like a legal drug. You can take 50 cents and walk into the store and buy a Twinkie and get high. And it's killing people.  "Michael Pollan"
  22. Food should be fun.  "Thomas Keller"
  23. Food is everything we are. It's an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your region, your tribe, your grandma. It's inseparable from those from the get-go.  "Anthony Bourdain"
  24. We all eat, and it would be a sad waste of opportunity to eat badly.  "Anna Thomas"
  25. Food is not rational. Food is culture, habit, craving, and identity.  "Jonathan Safran Foer"
  26. The only thing I like better than talking about food is eating.  "John Walters"
  27. Food is an important part of a balanced diet.  "Fran Lebowitz"
  28. Let's face it, a nice creamy chocolate cake does a lot for a lot of people; it does for me.  "Audrey Hepburn"
  29. The way you make an omelet reveals your character.  "Anthony Bourdain"
  30. In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.  "David Auerbach"
  31. Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.  "Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin"
  32. The discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of mankind than the discovery of a star.  "Anthelme Brillat-Savarin"
  33. I'm just someone who likes cooking and for whom sharing food is a form of expression.  "Maya Angelou"
  34. Cooking is at once child's play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love.  "Craig Claiborne"
  35. Food is memories.  "Guy Fieri"
  36. A recipe has no soul. You, as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe.  "Thomas Keller"
  37. Let food be thy joy and joy be thy food.  "Anthony Bourdain"
  38. Eating is a necessity, but cooking is an art.  "Unknown"
  39. Food is the ingredient that binds us together.  "Unknown"
  40. The art of cooking is among the most intimate things that we can do for another.  "Charlie Trotter"
  41. To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.  "François de la Rochefoucauld"
  42. Food is the poetry of the palate.  "Richelle E. Goodrich"
  43. Cooking is like painting or writing a song. Just as there are only so many notes or colors, there are only so many flavors - it's how you combine them that sets you apart.  "Wolfgang Puck"
  44. The secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.  "Mark Twain"
  45. Food is love made visible.  "Unknown"
  46. Food is not just eating energy. It's an experience.  "Guy Fieri"

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