Saturday 22nd of June 2024
Best Wednesday Motivation in 2023
Last update March 09, 2023

Best Wednesday Motivation in 2023

The best Wednesday motivation is about finding inspiration and encouragement to push through the mid-week slump and keep going towards our goals.
It's about acknowledging that the week may be half over, but there's still plenty of time to make progress and achieve success.
Wednesday motivation might involve setting new goals, recommitting to existing ones, and finding the drive to persevere through challenges and obstacles.
It can come from many sources, such as inspiring quotes, supportive friends or colleagues, or simply reminding ourselves of our own reasons for pursuing our passions and dreams. Ultimately, the best Wednesday motivation is about staying focused, determined, and optimistic as we work towards our aspirations.
Here are a few examples of the wednesday motivation:

  1. Wednesday is the angel of the week because she balances the days evenly for us. Sun, Mon, Tues -Wednesday – Thu, Fri, Sat..  "Anthony T. Hincks"
  2. Happy Wednesday! Happiness is found from within when you learn to appreciate your blessings, LIVE in the present and LOVE!.  "Tracey Edmonds"
  3. Wednesday is a day to help others celebrate life. You and only you are accountable for what you extend and give to others. One smile not only increases your value but it gives joy to each person you meet..  "Byron Pulsifer"
  4. Whatever you are, be a good one..  "Abraham Lincoln"
  5. We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by action..  "Dr. Henry Link"
  6. You can if you think you can..  "George Reeves"
  7. Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong..  "Ella Fitzgerald"
  8. All limitations are self-imposed..  "Oliver Wendell Holmes"
  9. Mostly, the world sees you the way you see yourself..  "Lisa Nichols"
  10. The moral of my story is the sun always comes out after the storm. Being optimistic and surrounding yourself with positive loving people is for me, living life on the sunny side of the street..  "Janice Dean"
  11. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall..  "Confucius"
  12. You can be everything. You can be the infinite amount of things that people are..  "Kesha"
  13. Wake up, you are not lost, you are so close to winning..  "Santosh Kumar (San)"
  14. Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!.  "Anne Frank"
  15. It is never too late to be what you might have been..  "George Eliot"
  16. Nothing can dim the light which shines from within..  "Maya Angelou"
  17. It always seems impossible until it’s done..  "Nelson Mandela"
  18. I’m a slow walker, but I never walk back..  "Abraham Lincoln"
  19. On Wednesday afternoons I could be practically anything..  "Kit Williams"
  20. Awake on Wednesday, They all complain but no one’s leaving..  "The Caulfields"
  21. I do remember dreamy Wednesdays, In the rain creative pain..  "The Wannadies"
  22. Happy Wednesday! Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none..  "William Shakespeare"
  23. It will not be lonely on Wednesday when it has all around it..  "Anthony T. Hincks"
  24. Wherever you go, go with all your heart..  "Confucius"
  25. Today is a new day, the first day of the rest of your life..  "Abbie Hoffman"
  26. We are not our best intentions. We are what we do..  "Amy Dickinson"
  27. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving..  "Albert Einstein"
  28. Happiness is not by chance, but by choice..  "Jim Rohn"
  29. Happiness is not doing fun things. Happiness is doing meaningful things..  "Maxime Lagacé"
  30. The most wasted of days is one without laughter..  "E.E. Cummings"
  31. How wild it was, to let it be..  "Cheryl Strayed"
  32. All progress takes place outside of your comfort zone..  "Michael John Bobak"
  33. Mostly, the world sees you the way you see yourself..  "Lisa Nichols"
  34. To some, it’s Hump Day. To us, it’s Wednesday’s getting its ass kicked and Thursday just asking Friday to switch places..  "Dwayne Johnson"
  35. Happy Hump Day! At least you’re at the top of the hill! Enjoy the roller coaster ride down to Sunday! Then just get back in line!.  "Sotero M Lopez II"
  36. Wednesdays are like Mondays in the middle of the week!.  "Lee Fox Williams"
  37. When a day that you happen to know is Wednesday starts off sounding like Sunday, there is something seriously wrong somewhere..  "John Wyndham"
  38. They didn’t want it good, they wanted it Wednesday..  "Robert A. Heinlein"
  39. When people refer to ‘Back in the Day,’ it was a Wednesday. Just a little fun fact for you..  "Dane Cook"
  40. People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing; that’s why we recommend it daily..  "Zig Ziglar"
  41. Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering..  "Winnie the Pooh"
  42. It’s okay to look at the past and the future. Just don’t stare..  "Benjamin Dover"
  43. Do or do not. There is no try..  "Yoda"
  44. The road to success is always under construction..  "Lily Tomlin"
  45. Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right..  "Isaac Asimov"
  46. Home may be where the heart is but it’s no place to spend Wednesday afternoon..  "Walker Percy"
  47. What’s in a Wednesday? You! That’s who! Happy Wednesday..  "Anthony T. Hincks"
  48. Happy Wednesday! Cast your love to all, trust in the team to which you are joined, and do not do wrong to others for your own self gratification..  "Byron Pulsifer"
  49. Turn every life situation into a positive one..  "Rhonda Byrne"
  50. If I love you Wednesday, What is that to you? I do not love you Thursday – so much is true..  "Edna St. Vincent Millay"
  51. Wednesdays will always bring smiles for the second half of the week..  "Anthony T. Hincks"
  52. Just for the record darling, not all positive change feels positive in the beginning..  "S. C. Lourie"
  53. Say something positive, and you’ll see something positive..  "Jim Thompson"
  54. Be positive with every idea surrounding your dreams..  "Israelmore Ayivor"
  55. Be mindful. Be grateful. Be positive. Be true. Be kind..  "Roy T. Bennett"
  56. A positive attitude awakens inner strength, energy, motivation, and initiative..  "Remez Sasson"
  57. I think if you just look at life in a positive way, positive things will happen..  "Jake Owen"
  58. Positive energy knows no boundaries..  "Lu Wei"
  59. You go in with a positive attitude and stay there..  "Shelley Long"
  60. It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see..  "Henry Davis Thoreau"
  61. Hit the reset button. Whatever happened yesterday, forget about it. Get a new perspective. Today is a new day. Start fresh, begin now..  "Germany Kent"
  62. I believe that if you’ll just stand up and go, life will open up for you. Something just motivates you to keep moving..  "Tina Turner"
  63. You are not your resume, you are your work..  "Seth Godin"
  64. Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses..  "Kobe Bryant"
  65. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard..  "Tim Notke"
  66. When Wednesday morning came the weather was very fine, And the sun in the heavens brightly did shine, And continued so all the live long day..  "William Topaz McGonagall"
  67. One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now..  "Paulo Coelho"
  68. On Wednesday, when the sky is blue, and I have nothing else to do, I sometimes wonder if it’s true that who is what and what is who..  "Winnie the Pooh"
  69. Wednesday can only dream of becoming Thursday..  "Anthony T. Hincks"
  70. The past is gone. Today is full of possibilities..  "Karen Casey"
  71. Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself..  "George Bernard Shaw"
  72. Happy Wednesday! Practice compassion. Lift others. Learn to encourage rather than criticize. You’ll feel better when you help others feel better..  "Tracey Edmonds"
  73. If you fell down yesterday, stand up today..  "H.G. Wells"
  74. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better..  "Samuel Beckett"
  75. Keep going. Is not as difficult as you feel it is. Don’t give up..  "Brandon Sanderson"
  76. All progress takes place outside of your comfort zone..  "Michael John Bobak"
  77. It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light..  "Aristotle"
  78. Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it..  "Maya Angelou"
  79. It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed, you only have to be right once..  "Mark Cuban"
  80. Failure is only the opportunity more intelligently to begin again..  "Henry Ford"

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